Monday, 5 September 2011

All new Blog post no 1: The orignal FYP

Before I move on to my new material (which of course will at first be mostly recapping the past), I would like to take a moment to take care of some unfinished business. If I may peel back the lovely velvet curtain for a second and turn the spotlight directly on to FYP's original 18 posts, allow me to reveal the truth behind all writings relating to the creation of my very last university project. The “Re: Your Brains” animated music video.

I originally created this blog as a means to keep notes for what would later become my final year dissertation; which is, for anyone that doesn't know, a 10,000 word essay that every university student must undertake, regardless of whether or not their course incorporated a subject matter that lends itself to the dinosaur layout of problem, research, and solution; to be written by students who have been taught nothing but badly executed "How to draw Mickey Mouse with a pencil" techniques for the last three years. Also you get graded more on this essay then the actual project...*cough*

But I'm not bitter.

At any rate, during all the "fun" that was that write-up, I was able to touch on many different areas of interest, where I was able to tap into an attempt to explain all that goes through my over-thinking mind when it comes to the making of one of my animations. The original 18 posts mostly reflect this, albeit through a fake pseudo-educational "look at how amazing I am for ripping of Evil Dead and Office space" sort of tone, but I digress. After awhile, I began to enjoy documenting my progress. However, that feeling did not last through months of stressful, 10 hour, daily work schedules, unreliable university supervision, unfinished material and being forced to edit my notes down to bastardized BS student report style format where you talk like a robot about creativity.

The sad thing is that by the time I was done with all the endless praise I got from nearly everyone that saw the finished project, my inner self would not allow me to look past my short comings and appreciate what I had created. Coupled with a somewhat positively reinforcing, yet still rather lackluster "dance monkey dance" experience at the EXPOTESSSS, I left this blog to whither and never even bothered to post the final detailed black and white animatic.



So there it is. One day I may go back and do the colour version with full animation, but for now that’s it for my little visualization of an edited down song I have heard so many time now I want to destroy every known recording of it that ever existed. I kid, Jonathan Coulton’s “RE: your Brains” as well as all his many wonderful songs can and should be listened to on a loop forever and ever and ever, until your ears bleed and your skull melts while your eyes and tongue drop like slime from your head…BUY NOW.

Coming up next: The Simpsons, Star Wars, Transformers, Watchmen, Wonderland, Sonic the Hedgehog, a South Park South Bank London, mad scientists, disgruntled doorbell sales men, 3D animation, corporate logos, unhappy rabbits, killer rabbits, disgruntled house owners and…hamsters?

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