Monday, 19 September 2011

Music Video Concept Info, Weekly Podcast and Updates.

Still in the process of setting up everything: the blog layout, my old animation archives, a podcast feed, a podcast, my new Internet connection, my updates are still coming in rather slowly right now...did I mention a podcast? A weekly podcast.

Having already failed my personal goal of submitting the minimum of at least a single blog post every week, I will continue and attempt to complete the rounded out summary of all my original Re: your brains university final year project documented work (you may breath now). Over the next few days I will post everything that I have not already previously covered about the video, ending the whole experience with a commentary wrapping up my final thoughts about the production and any hindsight I may have as of the recording. After that: CHANGE!!! (see here for more info)

So lets get this crap over with, next up the initial concept information, featuring the novelized summary of the entire video...which I really wrote after making the video, but pretended I didn't:

1      Initial Concept

After going over the edited down version of the song, listening to the way the atmosphere builds up through the use of the music and lyrics, I eventually came up with a visual narrative to accompany the exciting eerie music. I also spent much time thinking about how elaborate the animation can be, the scale of the situation that I wanted to present, and how long it would take to animate.

All the animation I was doing needed to complement and bring something of value to the original song. It had to be visually interesting and exciting and not just having characters standing around with flapping mouths. Doing that would not be a good example of animation

1.1      Characters

The music video contains three main characters, as well as a handful of interchangeable Zombie designs multiplied many times to create the illusion of crowds. The three characters are as followed:

  • Bob
He is the office boss who has recently been turned into a Zombie. Bob is the only character who will speak in the cartoon, singing the lyrics from the song.

  • Tom
He is the office worker who gets bothered by the Zombie Bob. Tom is the hero and main character in the music video, the intent is to have the audience rooting for him to not be killed.

  • Janice
She is a hot secretary that Tom has to save from Zombies half way through the video. Janice works as the damsel in distress, giving Tom an obstacle that he can actually overcome by saving her. 

1.2      Locations

To keep location workflow at a manageable level, I decided that I would start with Tom inside a locked room, then twenty to thirty seconds of action while Tom is on the run and it ends with him again in a locked room. I wanted the beginning and end to have the main character reacting while staying in one place. There are four location areas which are:

  • Tom’s Office
This is where the video starts. Tom’s office is a small glorified cubicle with a door, window and shades. This room is mostly full of the usual office supplies such as a computer, desk and filing cabinet. Tom has customised his walls a little with a few motivational posters and graphs.

  • Tech Support Hall Ways
This is the conveniently endless strings of hallways where all the action takes place. Aside from the broken windows, fires, splatter of blood and vital organs, this area look more or less like a generic type of office environment.

  • The Supply Closet
This is where the majority of the ending shots take place. For whatever reason the supply closet works nicely as a safe house, containing large amounts of food and firearms.

  • External shots of Tech Support
Now and then throughout the video, we cut to shots of outside Tech support where there are usually large crowds of Zombies gathered round. The building is a large block separated from everything else, with a car parked around it. 

1.3      Plot

Tom is a frustrated software engineer who works in private, with the door locked and the window shades down, at the company Tech Support. He is once again being pestered by his boss Bob, who tends to bother Tom several times a day over the intercom. Usually Bob visits Tom to enquire about incomplete paperwork and inefficient software data, but this time things are a little different. Bob has somehow been converted into an unholy undead Zombie and he wants to eat Tom’s brain.

It seems while Tom has been working in his closed off office space, a Zombie apocalypse has occurred and now there are several hordes of hungry Zombie mutants crowded outside the Tech Support Building. When Tom finally figures out what is going on, the Zombie Bob tries to reason with him, assuring that they only want to eat his brain and that no one is going to even touch his eyes. Not taking kindly to this news, Tom barricades the door with his filing cabinets, computer, boxes and everything that is not attached to the walls. This workplace is fine for a little while, but before long Bob and the other hundreds of Zombies descend on Tom’s office. As a mighty undead fist smashes through the window, Tom realises he has to run for it.

Tom Breaks down the door and crushes the four unsuspecting Zombies directly outside. Tom starts running down the hallway as Bob and the others chase him. After Getting some distance, Tom notices that Janice, the distant but very attractive secretary, who he could never summon up the courage to talk to, is surrounded by a small group of Zombies. Tom grabs the closest weapon he can find and rushes to save Janice. After spattering all the monsters heads against the walls, Tom grabs Janice and pulls her into the nearby supply closet, slamming the door behind them before Bob and his army can catch up.

As luck would have it, the room is packed to the brim with a wide selection of weapons, food, and locks. This ensures Tom and Janice’s safety, while the two of them get intimate. With little ground to stand on, Bob watches helplessly as his Zombie colleges try to chew off the door handle and get inside. Bob looking defeated however, lets off a little smile as we cut back to Tom and Janice looking at each other with concern. Tom gives Janice a thumb up, as a half hearted response, in an attempt to reassure her that things will work out. Taking kindly to this sweet gesture, Janice Gives Tom a big hug, it is then that Tom notices the big bloody bite mark on her back. A somewhat zombified Janice pulls away with a horrifying smile. Tom in shock takes a few moments to assess the situation. He then shrugs in an accepting expression and then the two intimately tumble underneath the sheets.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

The Evil Dead & Bruce Campbell

Since it's currently taking me over 8 hours a piece to upload my old material onto you tube (leaching the net from my phone through a USB is apparently not as glamorous as I once thought), I decided that instead of going too long without an update I will continue to post more old FYP crap. After much soul searching I figured I might as well complete the documentation of it all, so that way if anyone ever cares to read all my words, they can go through it all and state "ah so that's where it all went wrong".

So with the added laziness of being ripped straight from my final year dissertation; I present my much prepared "research" (opinion) on the Evil Dead movies, it's star Bruce Campbell, and  how everything went on to influence the main character of Tom:


  • The Evil Dead Trilogy (1981), (1987), (1992) & The Musical (2003)

This franchise started off as a standard low budget horror movie about four teenagers being killed off one by one at a secluded cabin. Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead spawned a cult following due to its controversial gore and spooky atmosphere. For me personally it is a very badly acted cliché story that is more unintentionally funny than it is generally scary and I am very fond of this film for that very reason. One could assume that the creators saw it this way too, having its sequel concentrate more on the humor side of the series and finally dropping the horror element altogether for the third outing, which literally ended with our hero sleeping for thousands of years so that he can return to his job at a supermarket. Add to all of this the comedic stage musical made just over a decade later and you get a truly comedic genius of a trilogy that became something the original movie never set out at all to be.

The series centres on the S-Mart employee Ash, who has got to be the single most unlucky character in any horror movie franchise ever filmed. After forced to decapitate his friends who are possessed by ancient evil demons, Ash loses the control of his hand which begins to torment him by dragging him around the room, slapping him in the face and smash plates on his head. Once replaced with the very chainsaw he uses to cut it off with, he attempts to fight off the constantly re spawning Zombie like monsters with his newly formed saw hand and sawn off shotgun, only to be flung back in time to the middle ages where he has to defend king Arthur's court against a skeleton army led by an evil clone of himself.

The constant string of mis fortunate events that through unstoppable odds transforms the below average man into full blown action hero, is a theme I love very much and it is exactly what I aimed to mirror with my music video. The character of Tom is given two choices, die or be a man and like Ash he chooses the latter.

Bruce Campbell

As I mentioned before the character of Ash from The Evil Dead series is perhaps the most unlucky character invented, but none of this would have been apparent if it were not for the great performance of Bruce Campbell and how he develops the character throughout each movie just from his acting.

In The Evil Dead Ash is just a scared and helpless nerd. He has no idea what to do as the horrors start happening around him and opts to merely hide in corner while his friend Scott attempts to fend off the evil monsters that are coming to kill and posses them.

In Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn, Ash now left alone to his own devices, descends into madness as he is forced to make best of the situation by surviving on his own. In one of the most iconic scenes in the series, Campbell has his character laugh joyfully with the hunted appliances scattered around the wooden cabin, as the evil openly mocks his efforts. The nerdy weak man that once ran away scared now embraces his end, loses all fear and decides that it is time to fight back.

Finally in Army of Darkness (A.K.A. Evil Dead 3) Ash decides he is not going to take it anymore and switches gear entirely into full blow action hero that will defend the innocent and vanquish the evil. Armed with his shot gun and chainsaw he cannot be stopped.

Bruce Campbell three act structure of the ash character is what I aim to apply to, far be it in a much more abridged fashion Tom given that Campbell had three movies, while I have two and a half minutes. First he is scared if Bob and his Zombie army then stricken with madness he runs through the battle field pushing all in his way aside. Finally when he sees Janice in trouble, he knows what he has to do.

Monday, 5 September 2011

All new Blog post no 1: The orignal FYP

Before I move on to my new material (which of course will at first be mostly recapping the past), I would like to take a moment to take care of some unfinished business. If I may peel back the lovely velvet curtain for a second and turn the spotlight directly on to FYP's original 18 posts, allow me to reveal the truth behind all writings relating to the creation of my very last university project. The “Re: Your Brains” animated music video.

I originally created this blog as a means to keep notes for what would later become my final year dissertation; which is, for anyone that doesn't know, a 10,000 word essay that every university student must undertake, regardless of whether or not their course incorporated a subject matter that lends itself to the dinosaur layout of problem, research, and solution; to be written by students who have been taught nothing but badly executed "How to draw Mickey Mouse with a pencil" techniques for the last three years. Also you get graded more on this essay then the actual project...*cough*

But I'm not bitter.

At any rate, during all the "fun" that was that write-up, I was able to touch on many different areas of interest, where I was able to tap into an attempt to explain all that goes through my over-thinking mind when it comes to the making of one of my animations. The original 18 posts mostly reflect this, albeit through a fake pseudo-educational "look at how amazing I am for ripping of Evil Dead and Office space" sort of tone, but I digress. After awhile, I began to enjoy documenting my progress. However, that feeling did not last through months of stressful, 10 hour, daily work schedules, unreliable university supervision, unfinished material and being forced to edit my notes down to bastardized BS student report style format where you talk like a robot about creativity.

The sad thing is that by the time I was done with all the endless praise I got from nearly everyone that saw the finished project, my inner self would not allow me to look past my short comings and appreciate what I had created. Coupled with a somewhat positively reinforcing, yet still rather lackluster "dance monkey dance" experience at the EXPOTESSSS, I left this blog to whither and never even bothered to post the final detailed black and white animatic.



So there it is. One day I may go back and do the colour version with full animation, but for now that’s it for my little visualization of an edited down song I have heard so many time now I want to destroy every known recording of it that ever existed. I kid, Jonathan Coulton’s “RE: your Brains” as well as all his many wonderful songs can and should be listened to on a loop forever and ever and ever, until your ears bleed and your skull melts while your eyes and tongue drop like slime from your head…BUY NOW.

Coming up next: The Simpsons, Star Wars, Transformers, Watchmen, Wonderland, Sonic the Hedgehog, a South Park South Bank London, mad scientists, disgruntled doorbell sales men, 3D animation, corporate logos, unhappy rabbits, killer rabbits, disgruntled house owners and…hamsters?

Sunday, 4 September 2011

A New Begining!

Big changes are coming to this spell checking etc.

An all new banner.

More rants and ravings in the continuation of all things self centered.

Chronological repackaging of all old material, which I ever dared to randomly spread across the inter-web like so many sexual diseases.

All new material created right here just for this blog.

Other Stuff...

As well as a link to some retarded twitter feed.

Who knows? Every project could be the final year one, gotta make it count!

...yes the title originally referred to my university final year project. BUT THAT IS THE PAST, TIME TO MOVE FORWARD INTO TH FUTURE!!

...until then here's a link to a show reel featuring over two year old content.

Deviant Art

Wednesday, 9 February 2011


After a somewhat tough couple of month in terms of work, I've received good news. I, along with 100 of other students studying in my year, have been chosen to get our final year projects showcased by the Expotees program at Teesside University. This is good because I will have a chance to show off my finished work to possible employers, as well as other folks in the animation industry that I wish to impress. Subsequently I've had to put together an image to be published in their annual handbook, which will go along side a photograph of me with a brief text description of what I am doing (this blog but very very very abridged). This is what I put together:

I'll admit it was a breath of fresh air to be able to draw something that wasn't a stick figure for once, in what feels like a long time.

Full FYP Stick Animatic

When I started this method of planning I thought it would be one of the easiest parts.  This however was not the case. I found early on that this was the hardest for this particular project. Just with getting the timing right, figuring out what could work where and overall fitting everything with the song so that the animation did it all justice.

What follows is the result of 4 weeks of frustrated days, consisting of very basic drawings. This is the entire animation as it will look with stick men and it works surprisingly well based on the reactions I've received from people I've shown it to. The process involved much trial and error, moving scenes around, scraping set pieces, re-drawing the stick men again and again to get the right emotion and timing. Whilst the finished rough still leaves room for improvement in later stages, I'm very proud of it and think it is a good sign for things to come.


While I've fallen a little behind schedule I think that the bulk of the work is behind me. Next I've just got to draw the final drawings and insert them in the places of the rough, which is far from as time consuming as this version of the animatic turned out to be. In the end its better to do the wrong drawing with a crude stick man then it is to have to redo the final art again because something was off. I still believe the choice to plan the animation this way will benefit me more and more in the future and ultimately save me a huge amount of time...Plus if all else fails I can just submit this as my final year project ;).