Sunday, 28 November 2010

Character Information

When animating any character the main things you have to think about are body language and the way they move, a good way to figure out these thing are to figure out their personalty. What follows are descriptions for each main character, detailing some brief history, and information on how they think and who they are.


  • 30 years old.
  • Has worked as "Programming Code Supervisor" at "Bob Enterprises" for the past five years.
  • Is 99.99% Dead inside.
  • Prefers to be alone in his small personal office because he finds the outside world tedious and confusing.
  • Contains a frustrated hatred for his boss Bob, who constantly bothers him with improvement notes, and motivational speeches.
  • Has feelings for the attractive secretary Janice who he is too nervous to talk to.
  • Feels bitter that the world is usually stacked up against him, usually using humor to cope with this.
  • Socially awkward but is king when processing code.
  • Loves the job he does, not who he does it with.
  • Secretly practices long range gun shooting, and man on man street fighting in spare time...always the quiet ones.
      • 45 years old.
      • 100% Dead, both inside and out.
      • Founder and head of "Bob Enterprises" until he was bitten on the shoulder, by a zombie during a lecture on the importance’s of synergy.
      • Feeling more alive then ever after being turned, he UN-lives in a constant satisfied feeling of positive unchained bliss, similar to that of a drunk or someone on drugs.
      • Using the networking skills he acquired in life, has appointed himself manager and representative of the impending zombie hordes, who are gathered outside his ex business.
      • Has brain dead ignorance to the fact that his employees don't like him, even considers himself their friend.
      • Enjoys stamp collecting, good times, and easy listening country music.
      • Has amazing communicational skills, and exceptional singing voice.

      • 28 years old.
      • Worked as "Secretary" for "Bob Enterprises" for past 4 months.
      • Gushing with life, spends most of her free time with her attractive friends going out and partying.
      • Became a secretary to fund her insanely active social life and living hobbies.
      • Looking for a man who will treat her right, yet sexually attracted to bad boys.
      • Is very afraid of zombies and being eaten by them.
      • Demon in the sack.
      • A basic and standard, mostly clichés male fantasy.

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